Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough
Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

Lego Lord of the Rings Walkthrough - Lego Lord-of-the-Rings 67 The enemy will hit it and therefore hurt himself. When you hear his voice, quickly run from the platform. Afterwards you have to stand on it and wait for the troll to roar. Start the fight by building a platform from the nearby bricks. Unlike the Orcs, it doesn't only take a few hits to eliminate him - you will have to use a series of traps. Lego Lord of the Rings Walkthrough - Lego Lord-of-the-Rings 66 You will have to face the incoming enemies. The door will be reinforced by a beam which unfortunately won't endure the Orcs' attack. In the end grab both chains with your characters - when of them hangs on it, press (U) and jump onto the other one. Afterwards Legolas should shoot an arrow into the elements on both sides of the corridor. You need to prepare yourself for a fight - start off by strengthening the door by using the weapons lying on both sides. Lego Lord of the Rings Walkthrough - Lego Lord-of-the-Rings 65 Unfortunately it doesn't mean the end of problems, as there are Orcs coming from the depth of the mine. Place the missing element and you will be able to start the mechanism by quickly pressing (K) and pull Pippin out of the well.


To obtain the crank, you need to go to the right and destroy the cracked LEGO brick with Gimli's axe. Lego Lord of the Rings Walkthrough - Lego Lord-of-the-Rings 64

amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

Afterwards rebuild the well from the received pieces. Begin with opening (by hitting them) the chests on both sides of the construction. "Your first task will be pulling Pippin out of the well. The Mines of Moria Lego Lord of the Rings Walkthrough - Lego Lord-of-the-Rings 63 You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.

Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough